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During 2020, teachers all around the world have changed their routines and adjusted their teaching practices in response to the coronavirus COVID 19 pandemic. While this has been an unprecedented time for all, World Teachers Day recognises the continuing hard work of all teachers. This years theme is Teachers: leading in crisis, reimagining the future. This reflects the continued commitment teachers have made as leaders, working in a range of environments throughout the pandemic. Celebrated in more than 100 countries worldwide, World Teachers Day encourages all teachers to be recognised and thanked for their efforts in teaching future generations. Mr Phil Honeywell, PrincipalMr James Murphy, Assistant PrincipalMr Scott McLeod, Assistant PrincipalWe are very excited to announce that this week the commencement of the construction works to deliver new Music, Mathematics and Systems Technology spaces is about to take place, signifying the next stage of Newcomb Secondary College's $6 million Capital Building Works Program.

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The online sale of counterfeit clothes, bags and jewelry costs luxury goods makers about $30 billion a year, Tiffany and Co. BusinessTumi products include a comprehensive line of travel and business products and accessories in multiple categories. While the region is still the worlds poorest, the number of people living on less than $1. As a designer and artist with no formal training, he first became known for his prominent presence in the Tokyo street fashion scene. Mike Rogers, chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, said the bill was necessary to stop the potential threat of computer attacks from Russia,, China, North Korea and Iran. Operating income in the same period represented 42% of Tumi's total annual operating income.

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These interactions are commonly referred to as consumer engagement: consumers non transactional interactions with a brand or with other consumers in a brand context. This engagement can be active, when consumers contribute to or create brand related content, or passive, when brand related is merely consumed, where active engagement strongly influences the attitudes of those who observe the created content. Besides some downsides, these platforms provide benefits for a company as well. Because, they have enabled them to engage their consumers more, and even better: they have the power to convert these consumers into fans and therefore to passionate and loyal customers. How to use webcare?Schamari and Schafers 2015 investigated how brands can use webcare on consumer generated platforms to increase positive consumer engagement and have come to a number of conclusions. For the study, 188 participants were exposed to an online message in which a consumer expressed his or her satisfaction with a car brand. Half of the people observed a webcare respons from the car brand in which the writer was thanked for the compliment. The other half of the people did not see a webcare reaction. These messages were either shown on a platform managed by the car brand itself a branded Facebook page or on a platform managed by consumers themselves a consumer forum. The results show an increase in engagement intention when organizations respond to online compliments. People are more willing to share positive information, make recommendations or participate in online conversations when they read a thank you message as response to a positive WOM message.

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To create is divine, to reproduce is human. Man Ray 1890 1976 was an American artist who spent most of his career in Paris, France. It has long been an axiom of mine that the little things are infinitely the most important. Sir Arthur Ignatius Conan Doyle DL 1859 1930 was a Scottish physician and writer, most noted for his stories about the detective Sherlock Holmes. The cure for boredom is curiosity. There is no cure for curiosity. Dorothy Parker 1893 1967 was an American poet, short story writer, critic and satirist, best known for her wit, wisecracks, and eye for 20th century urban foibles. A detail of Joe Figs Chuck Close: Summer 2004 2005. Mixed media, 24 by 31by 42 inches. Image: Parrish Art Museum, Southampton, New YorkI hate to advocate drugs, alcohol, violence, or insanity to anyone, but theyve always worked for me. Hunter S.

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GMs vehicle to vehicle communication systemThe benefit of this portable system is that it allows drivers to see not only whats right in front of them, but also about a semi truck thats stalled a quarter mile ahead, hard braking drivers, slippery roads, upcoming intersections, stop signs and other as yet unseen hazards. In addition, DSRC equipped smartphones, carried by cyclists or pedestrians, could alert drivers to their presence ahead. The automaker says it is working on embedding these communications systems into new vehicles, but it is also looking at ways to retrofit the technology into vehicles that are already on the road. GMs vehicle to vehicle communication systemAccording to a study by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration NHTSA, vehicle to vehicle communication systems could help avert nearly 81 percent of crashes in the United States. Third Brake LightIn 1974, psychologist John Voevodsky invented the third brake light, a brake light that is mounted in the base of rear windshields. When drivers press their brakes, a triangle of light will warn following drivers to slow down. This is the first published study showing that a third brake light reduces automobile accidents. Practical ApplicationThe National Highway Traffic Safety Administration NHTSA repeated Voevodskys experiment on a larger scale, and concluded that Center High Mounted Stop Lamps CHMSLs reduce accidents and injuries. As a result, the NHTSA now requires all new cars since 1986 and all new light trucks since 1994 to have a third brake light. To see just how well the CHMSLs worked, the NHTSA has charted police reported crash data from eight states, and has found that CHMSLs reduce rear impacts by 4. 3%.

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