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Scores can be compared across different school year levels, and it can help school systems and governments see how students are progressing. The results from the Naplan can help policymakers and researchers better understand student performance so they can make the right changes to policies. It can serve as a way to justify the support of certain schools and better allocate funds to schools that need it the most. The NAPLAN can also help teachers better teach their students. They can see which subjects they may have to spend more time on, and identify students that may be struggling to learn difficult concepts. NAPLAN results can help parents make better decisions about where to send their children.
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"We are now prepared to clarify a crucial distinction:"Environmental Ethics" is to be identified in this Introduction, andin this writer's contributions to this collection, as a metaethicalterm designating any ethical position that expresses a viewpointconcerning man's responsibility to nature. "Ecological morality," onthe other hand, identifies the particular normative environmentalethics of such writers as Aldo Leopold, who view man as a part of thenatural community with duties of respect and forbearance toward thatcommunity. Possibly the most crucial and fundamental problem faced by theecological moralist is contained in this metaethical question: "Dothe facts of ecology bear value implications?" In other words, "doesthe study of the integrated life community of nature, persisting andevolving through time, inform us morally?" Most ecological moralistsseem to affirm this claim. Yet by doing so, they are embracing thehighly controversial metaethical position of moral cognitivism. Itmay be no exaggeration to suggest that unless and until environmentalethics can present a persuasive solution to the metaethical problemof moral cognitivism that is, the problem of justifying normativeclaims with both objective facts and rational arguments,environmental ethics will receive, and even worse will deserve, noserious attention from moral philosophers. Because of deep and persistent problems such as this, manyenvironmental philosophers including myself believe that the mosturgent attention in environmental ethics should be devoted tometaethical issues; not because normative environmental questions"What shall we do?" are not important, but because these normativeissues are ill defined and because we are ill equipped to go aboutthe task of settling them.
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