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I never believed that Regent Horthy was complicit in the Holocaust. I always believe he was innocent and the 2014 film, Walking with the Enemy convinced me more that he did everything he could to protect Hungary and the Jews. Dear Dr Rabinovich, I should be grateful if you do not dismiss other views as untrue or emotions You do not have that right, no one does As a well qualified and experience research professor, equally well published and recognised in my own field, I know how easily good research can become biased may I remind you about the Hebrew anecdote about the ancient Jew seeking the truth, on his way to Jerusalem, who meets some Rabbis, who claim to be increasingly right until just outside the city gates, one claims to be 100% right?The man turns back home, a truly lost and disappointed Jew Your research has its place in the great debate about Horthy, Hungary and the murder of Hungarian Jews: in Hungary as well as their occupied land, in Transylvania For you, perhaps, these might just be numbers and/or statistics Unfortunately, however, for some of us, these represent family members and the related anger and emotion about their loss Personally, I would like to correspond with you on this topic, please indicate how I could obtain your email address If, you are too busy to debate in detail, I would understandThey have stayed alive, including my parent, but horthy has acted only to save his own skin. You can dispute it as long as you like, can bring up any kind of contemporary realpolitic issues, still that man is no hero, always have been a mediocre weekling talented only in one thing: his own narrow self interest. Your saracenwashing attempt is stomach churning. Every word of yours is true, dont bother with this old fool, however much he tries to dress it in scentific clothes. Please allow me to bring a rarely mentioned yet very very important fact which greatly influenced Horthy in his actions/lack of actions btw 19 March early July. that on the 18 19 March meeting Hitler did draw out his scariest card for Horthy,. He, along his troops, will call in the Slovaks, Romanians and Croatians against Hungary. Think about this: what could Horthy do, if that happens?What could happen to the whole country, including the hiding refugees and all the jews?Absolutely a needed article, especially in the disturbing rise of fascist romanticism in Hungary. The Jews of Hungary bled for the Magyar nation, considered themselves patriots of the nation, and the troglodytes in Jobbik must be fought every day until they are relegated to dust.

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